Friday, May 29, 2009

It's the Best of Both Worlds.....

Today is one of those days that I will most likely remember forever..

So, Its summer, I decide the girls and I deserve a treat. Thus, I give them a choice of what they want to do- play at the park or go to the movies. My wise children choose the comfort of a movie. Then we get a choice of UP of Hannah Montana. Now, I figure, they are going to pick the cartoon and Clarie barely knows who Hannah Montana is. Anyways, they both say the must see Hannah Montana. Okay fine, I will enjoy that more so we go for it. We do everything right : 1. sneak in snacks
2. go potty before the movie and have a Pull up change for Annie.

Great........ so right when ol' Miley is about to start the Ho Down scene .... Annie is like mom I gotta go potty.. I'm like whatever you don't know how to go yet.... then of course I notice she smell like ...well... crap.... so I'm like Clarie come on we gotta take Annie to the potty ...I'm hoping for just the run of mill stuff that and I figure I'll just throw the pull up away and hope she can do comando for the rest of the movie. Well, I realize quickly that her pants def. can not be put back on... Now what... okay first , Clean her up , Take of the pants and shoes.... I tell Claire we just have to go home because Annie is all dirty and I don't have anything clean to put on her except possiably a spare jean skirt in the car. Clarie says No , we Can't I must finish watching Hannaha Montana. Okay fine... now what.... then I say " Claire give Annie your underwear" (WHAT!! is this really happening!!) Claire is like no, then I won't have any.. I say Fine then we have to go... so regretfully we put the panites on Annie, luckily she is wearing a long t-shirt so I'm hoping it looks like a dress minus the jeans she came in with.... Okay so what do I do with the yes.. They are in the garabage along with the pull up in the Stage Cinema. So we go back into the movie and I just pray the whole time that Annie doesn't pee because forget it if she does... Of course she does when we are mostly outside and where it mostly goes in my purse and on my clothes. (Because of cousre I am holding her so that people can't see her lack of pants). ...... Claire said Hannanah Montana is the best singer in the whole world.


Christina MC said...

no words except you are the best mom ever for staying!

Dave, Catherine, Chandler, and Callie said...

That is hilarious. Were the snacks you snuck in oranges?? :) I say we get the Fuji potty trained stat!! I can just see you asking Claire for her underwear!! She must have wanted to stay pretty bad!! A classic, for sure.

Susan said...

That's too funny! I laughed out loud. I am also guilty of just throwing soiled undies in the garbage because I didn't have an extra pair. Seriously, thanks for sharing - I needed a laugh!

Sarah (and a few others) said...

You. Are. The. Best. Do you know how excited I get when I see that your blog has been updated, because I just KNOW I'm about to laugh until I pee my pants. Which I apparently should do whilst watching Hannah Montana.

Love you!

Unknown said...

hahahahaha! that story is awesome!!

And you are the best mom ever!


Christine said...

thanks fro brightening my day! Gotta love the mini Morgan!

Sara said...

so I almost pee'd my pants in laughter reading that. What a day.