Thursday, October 23, 2008


Claire and Annie both had check-ups today. Claire has not been to the doctor since Aug.07, so we have been lucky but people ask me all the time what she weighs and I had no idea until now:

Claire- 25.2 pounds ( 3rd percentile)
about 36 1/2 in. (30th percentile)

Annie -23 pounds (10th percentile)
33 in. (the last time she can be measured laying down)(50th percentile)

Claire gained 4 pounds in a year!

On another note, while I was in the waiting room I watched as two boys who I assume didn't know each other before today looked at each other and almost instantly began playing tag. At that moment, I thought, man I wish it was that easy for adults. Honestly, why isn't it that easy for us. ... I think we all worry WAY too much about what other people are thinking...I let that hold me back for the first few years that Jed and I were married .. I guess I just figured I had him and that was enough and so I never put much effort into it. I regret that decision because I am sure I missed out on meeting and learning alto of new things. I want to strive harder to be more friendly and find the good things in people that I don't particularly get along with. Anyways what I'm trying to say is this.... Don't let your insecurities hold you back ... just tap the adult on the back next to you and ask them if they want to play tag!! I bet they will say Yes!


Dave, Catherine, Chandler, and Callie said...

Thanks for the hot pancake tip. Sometimes making friends is liking dating all over again. I remember breaking out in a sweat to call another couple to come over. Thank goodness for texting and e-mail! I'm glad we can be such good friends even though I used to babysit you! Love you tons! (almost as much as Myra)

jewly said...

What ever you were one of the first people I met when we moved in and you invited us to the park. You are friendly.

erin said...

I would play tag with you any day!

Susan said...

It's so true! Caroline makes a friend everywhere we go, but I am never one to start the small talk with someone I don't know! Oh, and I love your header picture!