Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer Time...

Okay ya'll where is summer going?! Its already almost July 4th!! What!?

Well I don't know about you but my summer is flying by and yet I feel like I've accomplished very little. Maybe that is what being a housewife is all about, running around till your crazy, only to realize it starts over tomorrow? Sometimes I know I make my life harder and stress about things that don't matter much. Also, I hope its not just me, but don't you have the fear of being bored?! So then you try to cram as much into each day as you can. For instance here are things that I am currently doing virtually all that the same time: Reading The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, Watching BostonMED on Hulu, learning how to cook better and loving it. I have a major back log of recipes already waiting for me, thinking about how i haven't printed any of Lucy's pictures out yet ever... but I did buy her scrapbook, oh yeah, taking care of those little people around here who call me mom, wondering why I haven't taken to Claire to the dentist yet ever?! Its that terrible or what? She is almost 5 but we don't have dental insurance so I haven't quite got around to it.... o yea and Jed needs physical he is 30 now.. That is something grown-ups do right? WOW. Thought I would feel better if got this out ....maybe I will later..... for now..... I think I have a long weekend and a Family vacation (with my WHOLE Fearnley family-14 people total, including both my brother significant other ladies in their life) to prepare for.

Okay how about you? Whats on your mind? I know you have something!:)


Lavada said...

I'm tired just reading about your days. I had a few years of those days. So did your mom.
I have cookbook galore to share. They are a weakness--like fabric I don't need.