Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Whenever they wear these coats people are always asking me if they are twins? I don't get it. Maybe I'm missing something.

These are things the kids say lately that are making us laugh:

Claire likes to sing this song. Its something she is learning at church. I think its is called The Family is of God. I'm not sure... but anyways the lyrics are this:

God has a family, its me, its you, all others too, we are his children.
He sent each one of us to earth through birth to live here in families.

Claire's version goes:

God has a family, its me, its you, and you are mothers too , we are his children.
He sent each one of us to earth to birth here in families.

Annie's new thing is goes like this : When i get the camera out ... " Cheese me , mommy, Cheese me" or when she is reciting the poem One to buckle my shoe , three four shut the door, she says: One two buckle shoe Me, three four shut the door me.